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82K Trading Pty Ltd suggests environment and conservation of nature with our original brand 82K Collections.

TEL. 07-3040-8222

71-75 The Esplanade Cairns QLD 4870 Australia


In Shop 82K Cairns store, it recruits the following talented people.

Offer type of job
Shop Staff
Targeted for an offer
The person who can do English conversation to some extent.
Japanese woman
21 years old or older.
Going shop on foot or a bicycle being possible.
Work location
Shop 77-78-79-80(Jewellery shop)
Shop 88-89-90-91(Aussie Bush Hats)<--good English speaker only
75 The Esplanade Cairns Q,L,D 4870 Australia
Hourly wage - $ Legal Salary (there is a raise in salary)
Working hours
Shop Operation 16:00〜23:00 7days (Working 5H to 7H 5days)
Holiday vacation
Basics take two days off at the week.
On the day off, it is unsettled by a staff rotation.
The continuation holiday until two weeks is possible if apply one month before.
The return to parents' home is not the limit with a personal reason in a hurry.
Welfare program
BBQ party of the Aussie beef specially made in owner house
It is served unlimitedly at the restaurant of the manager invitation
Application method
Come to the Shop 88-89-90-91(Aussie Bush Hats) with a resume by between pm5:00 to pm 7:00.
Document request
Human resource department
Cairns Night Markets
75 The Esplanade Cairns Q,L,D 4870 Australia
Shop 82K
TEL. 07-3040-8222
Person in charge Ms, Mari Hirakawa


82K Trading Pty Ltd

Cairns Night Markets
71-75 The Esplanade Cairns
Queensland 4870 Australia
TEL 07-3040-8222

Shop 90-91 (Quality Aussie Bush Hats, Front of food court)

Shop 88-89 (Cairns Bamboo Boutique, Next to the hat store)

Shop 77-78-79-80 (82K Collections, Opposite above two stores)
